Technological stress, the side effect of professional anxiety in the administrative field and how it affects corporate culture


  • Elías Emiliano Salgado Cabezas Instituto Tecnológico Superior Atlantic
  • Jordy Erick Toala Núñez Instituto Tecnológico Superior Atlantic
  • Héctor Fernando Osorio Caiza Instituto Tecnológico Superior Atlantic


work stress, information technology, management


On the one hand, information technologies (ICT) make work easier, but on the other, they can generate negative emotions and psychosocial effects in workers when interacting with them. Studies have been conducted in different contexts and countries on the effects of technological stress, but none have been done on the effects in the administrative environment. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to highlight the factors that cause technostress in the administrative area of various companies in the canton of Santo Domingo, using a questionnaire made up of sixteen questions called RED-TIC as an evaluative tool. This research work had a mixed non-experimental, descriptive approach. On the other hand, the method used for this research was deductive, where logical conclusions were obtained from a group of firsts. In short, the research showed that both ICTs and technostress have a detrimental and direct effect on the health and well-being of administrative workers.



How to Cite

Salgado Cabezas, E. E., Toala Núñez, J. E., & Osorio Caiza, H. F. (2022). Technological stress, the side effect of professional anxiety in the administrative field and how it affects corporate culture. Código Científico Revista De Investigación, 3(3), 251–262. Retrieved from