Education, social networks and educational reality in Ecuador


  • Kevin Andrés Muñoz Enríquez Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Santo Domingo
  • Enma Rocío Cedeño Hidalgo Dirección Distrital de Educación 23D03
  • Ana Luísa Moreira da Silva Fernandes de Sousa Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


social networks, education, Ecuador


The trends of innovation in education demand responses to the growing use of social networks, from different shores and scenarios that open up such as: the possibilities of communication, cooperation, inclusion in the teaching and learning processes, to build responsible autonomy, to provide meaning through the formation of conscience, and to combine leisure with the responsibility of its use. This work aims to describe the state of academic research on social networks and education in Ecuador in the period from 2015 to 2019. As well as knowing the most treated areas and themes, discerning those that could have more scope in the future, and the possible degree of technological domestication of social networks in the Ecuadorian educational reality. For this objective, the content analysis of 18 publications that were chosen through the google schoolar metasearch engine is used. Once the complete reading of the works was done, the analysis was complemented with the categories of use of social networks in students, teachers and educational institutions, and topics developed by the authors. The review of the studies indicates that Ecuadorian students are in a stage closer to objectification or appropriation, while teachers are located in most cases in a stage that varies from incorporation to objectification in the use of social networks in education.



How to Cite

Muñoz Enríquez, K. A., Cedeño Hidalgo, E. R., & Moreira da Silva Fernandes de Sousa, A. L. (2022). Education, social networks and educational reality in Ecuador. Código Científico Revista De Investigación, 3(1), 59–82. Retrieved from

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