Technological advances and its impact on the law of 80-20 de Pareto


  • César Ernesto Cisneros Investigador independiente


Law 80-20, principle, technology, entrepreneur


Technology is currently a topic of global interest that is increasing daily, this is one of the reasons that some processes or jobs have gone from being personalized to virtual, but despite the fact that technology has favored society, it has also It has set aside those processes that were successful at the time, but that the ideal would be to develop a proposal to adapt to the time. In this sense, this document exposes from the author's point of view the impact that technological advances have on the recognized Pareto law 80-20, by the French-Italian sociologist, Vilfredo Pareto (1906), who shares his knowledge with the world to run a business or entrepreneurship in an effective and guaranteed way, its principle is based on obtaining greater advantages with less effort. Thus, recognized companies such as IBM, General Electric and other renowned companies have witnessed the functionality of the Pareto law 80-20. Therefore, this document aims to analyze the Pareto principle from the experience of other studies such as Salom (2020) which presented excellent results and five of them are established throughout the document as strategies for those who want to apply them. The Pareto 80-20 law not only contributes to business scenarios, but it can be applied to any area of ​​life, therefore, it is universal.



How to Cite

Cisneros, C. E. (2021). Technological advances and its impact on the law of 80-20 de Pareto. Código Científico Revista De Investigación, 2(2), 1–15. Retrieved from