Methodological proposal in laboratory practices and its impact on knowledge schemes


  • Verónica Jeaneth Navarro Sánchez Universidad del Zulia
  • Germain Andrés Montiel Cubillan Universidad del Zulia
  • Diego Arturo Díaz Revilla Universidad del Zulia


Laboratory practices, virtual laboratories, Physics, knowledge scheme


The aim of this paper was to determine the incidence of a laboratory practice’s proposal in the knowledge scheme of Physics III students, who belong to the Degree in Mathematics and Physics Education of the Universidad del Zulia. This proposal was structured in four sections: (i) Initial questionings, (ii) Laboratory activities, (iii) Virtual laboratory activities and (iv) Transfer of learning. In addition, in the proposal it is considered the elaboration of a Gowin's epistemological Vee in substitution of the traditional laboratory report, in order to identify progress in students’ knowledge scheme. The research design was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test. In general, it was observed through the methodological proposal there was a progress in conceptual schemes, specially of goals and anticipations, followed by operational invariants and possibilities of inference.



How to Cite

Navarro Sánchez, V. J., Montiel Cubillan, G. A., & Díaz Revilla, D. A. (2022). Methodological proposal in laboratory practices and its impact on knowledge schemes. Código Científico Revista De Investigación, 3(1), 83–105. Retrieved from