Didactic resources and the development meaningful learning


  • Adela Connie Alcívar Chávez Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión El Carmen
  • Ángel Homero Pinargote Zambrano Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí Extensión El Carmen
  • Adriana Marita González Intriago Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí Extensión El Carmen


didactic resources, meaningful learning, techniques, strategies


The research entitled: "The didactic resources and the development of significant learning in the students of two Educational Units" José Ramón Zambrano Bravo "and" El Carmen ", canton El Carmen, province Manabí, Ecuador, aimed to determine the incidence they have teaching resources in the development of meaningful learning. A mixed investigation was developed, the methods used were: analytical, synthetic, descriptive, propositive and statistical, in the field research, surveys were applied to teachers and students; and a record of observation of the learning processes of the two institutions,  of them state that didactic resources always affect the development of meaningful learning; Among the most used resources are the conventional ones, such as printed material, photocopies, images, games, boards, among others; and, audiovisuals; inconveniences were detected in the development of significant learning, due to the difficulty in integrating new knowledge into the network of previous knowledge of students



How to Cite

Alcívar Chávez, A. C., Pinargote Zambrano, Ángel H., & González Intriago, A. M. (2021). Didactic resources and the development meaningful learning. Código Científico Revista De Investigación, 2(2), 56–75. Retrieved from http://revistacodigocientifico.itslosandes.net/index.php/1/article/view/26