El tema de la lateralidad y los movimientos ambidiestro, son estudiados en muchas partes del
universo, y dada la importancia para el desarrollo motriz, muchos especialistas y padres de
familia, utilizan de forma forzada. El objetivo fue: El objetivo de la investigación fue:
Favorecer en el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje de la lateralidad para mejorar para el
desarrollo de los movimientos ambidiestros, mediante u conjunto de ejercicios lúdicos para
niños de 3 años del CNH Bastión Popular “Guayaquil”. El tipo de investigación es descriptiva
cualitativa, con un diseño no experimental, de carácter transversal, se aplicaron métodos teórico
y empíricos, como la observación, el método inductivo y deductivo, análisis y síntesis, el
estadístico, sirvieron como guía del proceso investigativo. La muestra fue intencional a un
grupo de 39 participantes. Se concluye que, entre las principales deficiencias en los niños fue
la inexperiencia en los movimientos laterales, a través de la localización, desorientación en el
espacio, falta de coordinación izquierda-derecha y motriz, aspecto fundamental que interfiere
en la percepción en el desarrollo de movimientos bimanuales. Además, se muestra dificultad
de los movimientos simétricos del cuerpo Debido al escaso desarrollo de la motricidad
ambidiestra en niños de 3 a 6 años.
Palabras clave: Ejercicio físico lúdicos, Estimulación, Juegos movimientos.
The topic of laterality and ambidextrous movements are studied in many parts of the universe,
and given the importance for motor development, many specialists and parents use it forcefully.
The objective was: The objective of the research was: To promote laterality in the teaching-
learning process to improve the development of ambidextrous movements, through a set of
recreational exercises for children from 3 to 6 years old at the CNH Bastión Popular.
Guayaquil.” The type of research is qualitative descriptive, with a non-experimental design, of
a transversal nature, theoretical and empirical methods were applied, such as observation, the
inductive and deductive method, analysis and synthesis, the statistical method, which served
as a guide to the investigative process. The sample was intentional to a group of 39 participants.
It is concluded that among the main deficiencies in children was inexperience in lateral
movements, through localization, disorientation in space, lack of left-right and motor
coordination, a fundamental aspect that interferes with perception in the development of
bimanual movements. In addition, difficulty in symmetrical body movements is shown due to
the poor development of ambidextrous motor skills in children from 3 to 6 years old.
Keywords: Playful physical exercise, Stimulation, Games and movements.
The subject of laterality and ambidextrous movements are studied in many parts of the
universe, and given the importance for motor development, many specialists and parents use
them in a forced way. The objective of the research was: To favor the teaching-learning process
of laterality in order to improve the development of ambidextrous movements through a set of
playful exercises for 3-year-old children of the CNH Bastión Popular "Guayaquil". The type
of research is qualitative descriptive, with a non-experimental design, of transversal character,
theoretical and empirical methods were applied, such as observation, inductive and deductive
method, analysis and synthesis, and statistics, which served as a guide for the research process.
The sample was intentional and consisted of a group of 39 participants. It is concluded that,
among the main deficiencies in the children was the inexperience in lateral movements, through
localization, disorientation in space, lack of left-right and motor coordination, a fundamental
aspect that interferes in the perception in the development of bimanual movements. In addition,
there is difficulty in symmetrical body movements due to the scarce development of
ambidextrous motor skills in children from 3 to 6 years of age.