Código Científico Revista de Investigación/ V.5/ N. E4/ www.revistacodigocientifico.itslosandes.net
ISSN: 2806-5697
Vol. 5 – Núm. E4 / 2024
pág. 584
Improving A2 Level Speaking Proficiency through Mobile-
Assisted Language Learning: An Investigation of First-Year
Students at ESPOCH-Sede Orellana
Mejora de la competencia oral en el nivel A2 mediante el
aprendizaje de idiomas asistido por móvil: Una investigación con
estudiantes de primer año de la ESPOCH-Sede Orellana
Melhorar a proficiência oral de nível A2 através da aprendizagem de
línguas assistida por telemóvel: Uma investigação com alunos do primeiro
ano da ESPOCH-Sede Orellana
Guamán Condoy, Erich Gonzalo 1
Espoch Sede Orellana
DOI / URL: https://doi.org/10.55813/gaea/ccri/v5/nE4/511
How to cite:
Guamán Condoy, E. G. (2024). Improving A2 Level Speaking Proficiency through Mobile-
Assisted Language Learning: An Investigation of First-Year Students at ESPOCH-Sede
Orellana. Código Científico Revista De Investigación, 5(E4), 584–608.
Received: 16/07/2024 Accepted: 09/09/2024 Published: 30/09/2024
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Volumen 5, Número Especial 4, 2024
This research delves into the perspectives of 1st Year students at Escuela Superior Politécnica
de Chimborazo - Sede Orellana regarding the utilization of TikTok as a mobile-assisted
language learning (MALL) tool within and beyond the classroom. With the aim of
comprehensively exploring this innovative approach, a multifaceted methodology was
employed. The study involved 30 participants aged 18 to 24, possessing English language
proficiency levels spanning CEFR A2 to B1. Quantitative data were amassed through
structured questionnaires, enabling a quantitative assessment of students' attitudes,
motivations, and linguistic competencies. Qualitative insights were procured via semi-
structured interviews and classroom observations. Preliminary results divulged nuanced
student attitudes, with a majority showcasing positive inclinations towards TikTok integration
in language learning contexts. Motivations included the platform's accessibility, interactive
features, and engagement potential. Moreover, qualitative data unearthed multifaceted
experiences, with students highlighting the platform's ability to enhance listening
comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and cultural awareness. The study uncovered that
students perceived TikTok as a versatile tool fostering autonomous language learning beyond
the classroom confines. This research contributes to the evolving discourse on MALL,
emphasizing the significance of aligning digital resources with students' preferences and
learning styles. By bridging pedagogical theory with contemporary digital platforms, educators
can craft more engaging and effective language learning experiences. These findings
underscore the need for educators to integrate platforms like TikTok purposefully, harnessing
their potential to cultivate language proficiency and digital literacy.
Keywords: language learning, mobile-assisted language learning (mall), 1st year students,
Esta investigación profundiza en las perspectivas de los estudiantes de 1er año de la Escuela
Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo - Sede Orellana con respecto a la utilización de TikTok
como una herramienta de aprendizaje de idiomas asistido por móvil (MALL) dentro y fuera
del aula. Con el objetivo de explorar exhaustivamente este enfoque innovador, se empleó una
metodología multifacética. El estudio contó con 30 participantes de entre 18 y 24 años, con
niveles de inglés comprendidos entre A2 y B1 del MCER. Se recopilaron datos cuantitativos
mediante cuestionarios estructurados, que permitieron una evaluación cuantitativa de las
actitudes, motivaciones y competencias lingüísticas de los estudiantes. Los datos cualitativos
se obtuvieron mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas y observaciones en el aula. Los
resultados preliminares divulgaron actitudes matizadas de los estudiantes, la mayoría de los
cuales mostraron inclinaciones positivas hacia la integración de TikTok en contextos de
aprendizaje de idiomas. Las motivaciones incluían la accesibilidad de la plataforma, sus
características interactivas y su potencial de participación. Además, los datos cualitativos
desvelaron experiencias multifacéticas, en las que los estudiantes destacaron la capacidad de
la plataforma para mejorar la comprensión oral, la adquisición de vocabulario y la conciencia
cultural. El estudio reveló que los estudiantes percibían TikTok como una herramienta versátil
que fomentaba el aprendizaje autónomo de idiomas más allá de los límites del aula. Esta
investigación contribuye al discurso en evolución sobre MALL, haciendo hincapié en la
importancia de alinear los recursos digitales con las preferencias y estilos de aprendizaje de los
estudiantes. Al vincular la teoría pedagógica con las plataformas digitales contemporáneas, los
educadores pueden crear experiencias de aprendizaje de idiomas más atractivas y eficaces.
Estos hallazgos subrayan la necesidad de que los educadores integren plataformas como
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Volumen 5, Número Especial 4, 2024
TikTok de forma decidida, aprovechando su potencial para cultivar la competencia lingüística
y la alfabetización digital.
Palabras clave: (3 5 palabras). Palabras clave pertinentes específicas del artículo, pero
razonablemente comunes dentro de la disciplina del tema.
Esta investigação investiga as perspectivas dos alunos do 1.º ano da Escuela Superior
Politécnica de Chimborazo - Sede Orellana relativamente à utilização do TikTok como uma
ferramenta de aprendizagem de línguas assistida por telemóvel (MALL) dentro e fora da sala
de aula. Com o objetivo de explorar de forma abrangente esta abordagem inovadora, foi
utilizada uma metodologia multifacetada. O estudo envolveu 30 participantes com idades
compreendidas entre os 18 e os 24 anos, com níveis de proficiência em língua inglesa
compreendidos entre o QECR A2 e B1. Os dados quantitativos foram recolhidos através de
questionários estruturados, permitindo uma avaliação quantitativa das atitudes, motivações e
competências linguísticas dos alunos. Os dados qualitativos foram obtidos através de
entrevistas semiestruturadas e observações de aulas. Os resultados preliminares revelaram
atitudes diferenciadas dos alunos, com a maioria a mostrar inclinações positivas relativamente
à integração do TikTok em contextos de aprendizagem de línguas. As motivações incluíram a
acessibilidade da plataforma, as funcionalidades interactivas e o potencial de envolvimento.
Além disso, os dados qualitativos revelaram experiências multifacetadas, com os alunos a
destacarem a capacidade da plataforma para melhorar a compreensão oral, a aquisição de
vocabulário e a consciência cultural. O estudo revelou que os alunos consideraram o TikTok
uma ferramenta versátil que promove a aprendizagem autónoma de línguas para além dos
limites da sala de aula. Esta investigação contribui para a evolução do discurso sobre MALL,
salientando a importância de alinhar os recursos digitais com as preferências e os estilos de
aprendizagem dos alunos. Ao associar a teoria pedagógica às plataformas digitais
contemporâneas, os educadores podem criar experiências de aprendizagem de línguas mais
envolventes e eficazes. Estas conclusões sublinham a necessidade de os educadores integrarem
propositadamente plataformas como o TikTok, aproveitando o seu potencial para cultivar a
proficiência linguística e a literacia digital.
Palavras-chave: aprendizagem de línguas, aprendizagem de línguas assistida por telemóvel
(mall), alunos do 1, tiktok.
In recent years, the landscape of education has undergone a transformative shift with
the pervasive integration of technology. This evolution has challenged conventional teaching
methodologies, ushering in a new era of dynamic and interactive learning experiences. Notably,
TikTok, originally conceived as a social media platform for concise video sharing, has rapidly
ascended to prominence as a versatile tool with considerable potential for educational
applications. Previous studies have acknowledged the positive impact of social media,
including TikTok, on language acquisition (Huang and Tlili, 2020; Chen et al., 2021).
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Volumen 5, Número Especial 4, 2024
However, a dearth of research exists on TikTok's efficacy within the context of ESPOCH- Sede
This study bridges this gap by scrutinizing 1st year students' views on TikTok's
potential benefits, challenges, and implications for English language learning. The outcomes
promise farreaching implications for language educators, curriculum designers, and
policymakers, offering insights to optimize the English language learning experience.
Additionally, this research enriches the literature on technology-assisted language learning,
contributing valuable insights and practical recommendations applicable not only to ESPOCH-
Sede Orellana but to educational institutions globally.
The research under scrutiny endeavors to unravel the perspectives held by 1st year
students at ESPOCH- Sede Orellana, Ecuador, regarding the incorporation of TikTok into their
English language learning journey. This exploration extends beyond the confines of traditional
classrooms, delving into the nuances of students' perceptions, experiences, and attitudes. In
elucidating these dimensions, the study seeks to shed light on the nuanced interplay of benefits
and challenges inherent in the assimilation of TikTok into the English language curriculum.
The paradigm shift in second language acquisition from conventional pedagogies to 2
learner-centric, technologically enriched approaches has been a discernible trend. The swift
proliferation of social media platforms has prompted educators and researchers to explore their
pedagogical potential. TikTok has emerged as a formidable force owing to its intuitive
interface, accessibility, and inherently engaging nature.
This research centers on investigating 1st year students' perceptions of mobile-assisted
language learning, particularly the use of TikTok, inside and outside the classroom. In the face
of advancing technology, understanding the impact of TikTok on language learning is crucial.
The study addresses the following questions:
1. What are the perceptions of 1st year students at ESPOCH- Sede Orellana regarding
the use of TikTok for English language learning?
2. How can TikTok contribute to the improvement of students' speaking quality?
3. Which role-play method, traditional or TikTok-based, is more effective in enhancing
language learning and communication skills?
The investigation is justified by the growing integration of technology in language
education. TikTok, with its unique features, presents an untapped potential that requires
exploration. Understanding student perspectives is paramount for effective language
instruction, tailoring it to their needs. Motivating students and enhancing language proficiency
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are persistent challenges, and this study seeks to uncover strategies leveraging TikTok to
address these challenges. The findings aim to guide decisions on the integration of TikTok into
the curriculum, ensuring evidence-based enhancements to the language learning experience.
Within the context of ESPOCH- Sede Orellana, there existed an imperative to explore
inventive strategies conducive to effective language learning among 1st year students. While
acknowledging the indispensable role of traditional classroom instruction, the supplementation
of 3 these methods with technology-driven tools, such as TikTok, held promise for augmenting
student motivation, bolstering engagement, and elevating language proficiency. The latent
potential of TikTok for language learning lay in its distinctive features short video clips, user-
generated content, and interactive challenges. These attributes collectively proffered a diverse
range of opportunities for learners to actively participate in and enhance their language skills.
The milieu of ESPOCH- Sede Orellana underscored the urgency to embrace innovative
strategies, leveraging the unique affordances of platforms like TikTok as well as fulfill the
following specific objectives:
1. Investigate 1st year students' perceptions of TikTok's effectiveness for English
language learning.
2. Examine students' attitudes towards integrating TikTok into English language
learning, considering benefits and challenges.
3. Explore students' preferences, motivations, and usage patterns regarding TikTok for
English language learning.
Despite the burgeoning interest in incorporating TikTok into language learning
paradigms, empirical research within the specific context of ESPOCH- Sede Orellana was
notably scarce. This study, thus, aimed to bridge this knowledge gap, presenting an in-depth
investigation into the perspectives of 1st year students concerning the potential benefits,
challenges, and ramifications of integrating TikTok into their English language learning
Existing literature has witnessed scholarly examinations of various technologies,
including social media platforms, and their impact on language learning outcomes. Noteworthy
among these studies are Huang and Tlili's (2020) exploration involving university students,
which found positive influences on English language acquisition through social media tools,
including TikTok. Similarly, Chen and collaborators (2021) delved into the utilization of
TikTok for language 4 learning among high school students, revealing improvements in
motivation and linguistic competence.
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Subsequently, this study delves into the integration of mobile tools to enrich language
acquisition. The primary object of investigation is to comprehensively explore the impact of
MALL on A2 speaking proficiency among 1st-year students as well as to unravel the dynamics
of student experiences, perceptions, and challenges in utilizing mobile-assisted strategies for
language enhancement. The overarching objective is to provide evidence-based insights and
practical recommendations for optimizing MALL in language instruction.
By understanding students' perspectives and the effectiveness of MALL tools, the
research aims to contribute to pedagogical practices that align with contemporary learning
needs. The research unfolds in a structured manner:
1. Introduction: Sets the context, introduces the object of investigation, and outlines the
general objective of the research.
2. Literature Review: Explores existing studies on MALL, A2 language acquisition,
and effective pedagogical approaches. Provides a theoretical framework for the study.
3. Research Methodology: Details the mixed-methods approach, including surveys and
interviews, employed to gather data on student experiences with MALL.
4. Data Analysis and Findings: Presents the analyzed data, offering insights into the
impact of MALL on A2 speaking skills based on student perspectives.
5. Discussion and Interpretation: Engages in a comprehensive discussion of findings,
relating them to existing literature, and proposing recommendations for educational practice.
6. Conclusion and Recommendations: Summarizes key findings, acknowledges
limitations, and provides actionable recommendations for language educators and institutions.
However, these studies, while enriching the broader discourse on technology-assisted
language learning, seldom ventured into the specific realm of ESPOCH- Sede Orellana. Hence,
the present study aspired to fill this void by meticulously investigating the perspectives of 1st
year students. It sought to unravel the labyrinth of potential benefits, challenges, and
implications inherent in the assimilation of TikTok into their English language learning
trajectory. The ramifications of this research extend beyond the immediate confines of
ESPOCH - Sede Orellana, holding significant implications for language educators, curriculum
designers, and policymakers at large.
The nuanced understanding of students' perceptions pertaining to TikTok usage for
language learning empowers educational stakeholders to make judicious decisions regarding
the integration of this pervasive platform into the curriculum. Moreover, the contributions of
this study ripple into the broader tapestry of literature on technology-assisted language
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learning. The findings promise to augment the existing knowledge base, offering valuable
insights into the intricate dynamics of leveraging TikTok for language education. Such insights,
grounded in empirical evidence, pave the way for evidence-based recommendations and best
practices, not only benefiting ESPOCH- Sede Orellana but potentially informing language
education practices globally. The subsequent sections of this paper embark on a detailed
exploration of the research methodology, data analysis, and findings. These facets collectively
aim to provide a holistic comprehension of TikTok's potential for enhancing English language
learning both within and beyond the traditional classroom setting.
The chosen research approach for the study titled "Enhancing A2 Speaking Skills
through Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (TikTok): A Study of 1st Year Students at
ESPOCH- Sede Orellana" was a mixed-method approach. This approach combines both
qualitative and quantitative research methods, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of
the research questions. According to Creswell and Plano Clark (2017), mixed-method research
is particularly valuable when seeking a holistic perspective on a complex phenomenon. In this
case, the researchers were interested in examining the multifaceted impact of TikTok on
English language learning.
The importance of the mixed-method approach in this research lies in its capacity to
provide a well-rounded view of the research topic. Quantitative data from surveys enables the
measurement of attitudes and the frequency of TikTok use, while qualitative data from
interviews allows for a deeper exploration of students' motivations, challenges, and
experiences. As the research sought to assess not only the effectiveness of TikTok but also the
students' perceptions and attitudes, the mixed-method approach was the most suitable. This
approach significantly contributes to a richer understanding of how TikTok is perceived and
utilized by students in language learning, enhancing the research's depth and validity.
A combination of research methods was employed. The primary research method used
in this study was survey research. Survey research, according to Babbie (2015), is a method
that involves collecting data from a defined population through the administration of structured
questionnaires. The survey method was chosen for its efficiency in gathering a large volume
of data from a considerable number of participants in a systematic and standardized manner.
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This method allowed the researchers to collect quantitative data about students' attitudes and
behaviors regarding the use of TikTok for language learning.
Additionally, the study incorporated qualitative research methods, particularly semi-
structured interviews. Qualitative research, as defined by Creswell and Poth (2017), involves
an in-depth exploration of individuals' experiences and perceptions to gain a deeper
understanding of a particular phenomenon. The interviews conducted in this research aimed to
provide insights into students' motivations, challenges, and personal experiences when using
TikTok for language learning. This qualitative dimension was essential to capture the nuances
and intricacies of students' engagement with TikTok, thereby contributing a deeper layer of
understanding to the study.
The combined use of quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews offered a
comprehensive research approach, enhancing the research's validity and ensuring that both the
broad trends and the unique stories of the participants were accounted for. This methodological
combination was a vital contribution to the research process as it facilitated a holistic
investigation of the topic, making it possible to address both the "what" and the "why" in the
The research design is fundamental in determining how data is collected, analyzed, and
interpreted. For the study "Enhancing A2 Speaking Skills through Mobile-Assisted Language
Learning (TikTok)," a mixed-method research design was employed. This research design, as
defined by Creswell and Creswell (2017), combines both qualitative and quantitative research
approaches to provide a comprehensive and holistic understanding of the research topic. The
use of mixed methods allowed the research to gain a deeper understanding of students'
experiences and perceptions while also collecting statistical data for a broader overview.
These matrices for each variable provide a structured and organized way to understand
how the research measured these critical aspects in students' language learning experience on
TikTok. The use of multiple dimensions and indicators ensures that the research process
captures a comprehensive perspective on how TikTok influences A2 speaking skills.
In this section, he instruments used to collect data in the study "Enhancing A2 Speaking
Skills through Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (TikTok)" will be described in scope and
depth. The selected instruments align with the research objectives and variables and play a
crucial role in gathering both qualitative and quantitative data.
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Survey Questionnaire.
The survey questionnaire, based on the works of Dillman, Smyth, and Christian (2014)
and Babbie (2019), is a critical instrument for collecting quantitative data. It allows for the
systematic collection of data related to students' self-assessment of their language skills,
creativity, communication, collaboration, and expression on TikTok. The survey consists of
Likert-scale questions, providing structured and quantifiable responses from participants. This
instrument is of paramount importance as it yields quantitative data that can be statistically
analyzed, giving a broader overview of students' experiences.
Semi-Structured Interviews.
Semi-structured interviews, guided by the approach defined by Rubin and Rubin
(2012), have been instrumental in obtaining qualitative data. This instrument allows for in-
depth exploration of students' experiences, motivations, and challenges when using TikTok for
language learning. The semi-structured format enables the research to delve into individual
responses, uncovering rich narratives about language learning experiences beyond quantitative
measures. These interviews provide a nuanced understanding of students' perceptions and
highlight the significance of qualitative data in this study.
Both instruments are included in the annexes to this research project. The survey
questionnaire, presented in Annex A, contains a list of questions that evaluate creativity,
communication, collaboration, and expression as related to TikTok language learning. Annex
B provides the semi-structured interview guide, which outlines open-ended questions aimed at
investigating students' motivations, experiences, and challenges in using TikTok for language
Validation of instruments.
Validation through expert judgments, as detailed by DeVellis (2016), is an essential
process to assess the content validity of the instruments used in the research. Expert judges,
comprising experienced educators and professionals in language learning and technology, were
invited to evaluate the survey questionnaire and the interview guide. Their expertise provided
a valuable external perspective, ensuring that the instruments accurately measured the intended
variables: creativity, communication, collaboration, and expression.
The expert judges carefully examined each item in the survey questionnaire and the
interview guide to ascertain whether they effectively measured the research constructs. Their
feedback was integral in refining the instruments to align them with the research objectives,
enhancing content validity.
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Population and Sample.
The population under study consists of 150 1st Year students at ESPOCH- Sede
Orellana, Ecuador. These students were selected as they represent the target group for this
research, given their status as newcomers to the university and the potential for early exposure
to innovative language learning methods.
In selecting the participants for the study, the researcher employed a stratified random
sampling technique, a method widely acknowledged for enhancing the representativeness of
the sample in educational research (Creswell and Creswell, 2017). The population, in this case,
consisted of 150 first-year students enrolled in an English language course at ESPOCH- Sede
Orellana. To ensure a diverse and balanced representation, the researcher categorized the
population into strata based on language proficiency levels (A2 according to the CEFR),
considering the heterogeneity of language skills among 1st Year students (Johnson and
Christensen, 2017).
The stratified random sampling technique involves dividing the population into strata
and then randomly selecting participants from each stratum (Creswell and Creswell, 2017).
This method was chosen to ensure that students with varying levels of language proficiency
were adequately represented in the study, providing a comprehensive understanding of the
impact of TikTok on A2-level speaking skills.
After stratification, the researcher randomly selected participants from each stratum,
resulting in a final sample size of 30 students. This approach aimed to reduce potential bias and
increase the generalizability of the study findings to the broader population of first-year
students at ESPOCH- Sede Orellana.
Sampling Methodology.
The sample size for this study was determined based on several factors, including the
project's scope, available resources, and the desired level of statistical power. Eventually, a
sample size of 30 participants was chosen. This number was deemed sufficient to provide
meaningful insights into the research questions and align with the qualitative nature of the
study. Qualitative studies often prioritize data richness and in-depth exploration over large
sample sizes.
Sampling Strategy: The sampling strategy employed in this research project was a
combination of convenience sampling and purposive sampling:
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Convenience Sampling: Convenience sampling was used to select participants who
were readily accessible and willing to participate in the study. This approach was practical
given the constraints of time and resources.
Purposive Sampling: Purposive sampling was utilized to target participants who met
specific inclusion criteria. These criteria included being a 1st Year student at ESPOCH- Sede
Orellana, falling within the age range of 18 to 24, and having English language proficiency
levels within the CEFR A2 to B1 range. Purposive sampling ensured that the sample
represented the population of interest and facilitated focused data collection.
In summary, the research project focused on investigating the perspectives of 1st Year
students at ESPOCH- Sede Orellana regarding TikTok as a mobile-assisted language learning
tool. The sample size of 30 participants was determined based on the research objectives and
the qualitative nature of the study. The sampling strategy employed a combination of
convenience and purposive sampling to ensure both practicality and alignment with the study's
Data analysis and the ethical considerations.
In the research paper titled "Enhancing A2 Speaking Skills through Mobile-Assisted
Language Learning: A Study of 1st Year Students at ESPOCH- Sede Orellana," a mixed-
method study was conducted, involving 30 first-year students. The data analysis involved both
quantitative and qualitative data collected through surveys and interviews. Additionally, ethical
considerations were a crucial aspect of the research process.
Data Analysis.
Quantitative Data Analysis.
The quantitative data from the Google Form survey were analyzed using descriptive
statistics. Specifically, were calculated means, standard deviations, and percentages to
understand students' responses to various survey questions. For instance, it was used the mean
to calculate the average level of interest in using TikTok for English learning, and the standard
deviation to measure the data's dispersion. This quantitative analysis helped in quantifying
students' attitudes and perceptions regarding TikTok as a language learning tool.
Qualitative Data Analysis.
The qualitative data from the interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. This
approach involved a systematic process of coding, categorizing, and identifying recurring
themes within the interview transcripts. Through this analysis, it was possible to explore in-
depth the students' experiences and perceptions regarding the use of TikTok for language
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learning. Themes and patterns emerged that provided rich insights into the qualitative aspects
of the study.
Ethical Considerations.
In the pursuit of knowledge through research, ethical considerations stand as the
bedrock of responsible inquiry. This study, delving into the intricacies of A2 speaking skills
through mobile-assisted language learning (TikTok) among first-year students at ESPOCH-
Sede Orellana, meticulously adhered to ethical guidelines. Prior to the commencement of any
data collection, the researcher obtained explicit permission from the university's Institutional
Review Board (IRB). This ethical checkpoint ensured that the study aligned with the
university's standards and guaranteed the welfare and rights of the participants.
Additionally, informed consent was diligently sought from each participant,
emphasizing the voluntary nature of their involvement and the confidentiality of their
responses. Students were briefed comprehensively about the study's objectives, the procedures
involved, and the potential implications, enabling them to make an informed decision about
their participation. The ethical compass extended to data handling, with measures in place to
anonymize responses, safeguarding the privacy of the participants. This commitment to ethical
rigor not only upholds the principles of integrity and transparency but also fosters a culture of
trust between the researcher, the university, and the student participants.
In conducting this research, several ethical considerations were taken into account:
Informed Consent: Prior to participating, all students provided informed consent,
which included a clear explanation of the study's purpose and procedures. They were informed
that their participation was entirely voluntary, and they could withdraw from the study at any
point without consequences.
Anonymity and Confidentiality: Students' identities were protected through the use
of codes or pseudonyms in the data analysis and reporting. This safeguarded their privacy and
Data Security: All data, both quantitative and qualitative, were stored securely to
prevent unauthorized access. Only the researcher had access to the data.
Respect for Participants: The research was conducted with a commitment to
respecting the dignity, rights, and feelings of the students. Interviews were conducted in a
supportive and non-invasive manner.
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Beneficence: The research aimed to benefit students by improving the understanding
of mobile-assisted language learning. Any potential risks were minimized, and the students'
well-being was considered throughout the research process.
Honest Reporting: In the reporting of findings, the research adhered to the principle
of honest and accurate representation of the data. Any potential bias was addressed
Ethical guidelines were followed in accordance with established research ethics
frameworks to ensure the rights and welfare of the participants. Appropriate institutional
approvals were obtained before the commencement of the research.
Findings: Initial Diagnose.
In the initial stage of the research project, a meticulous selection of instruments was
employed to ensure a comprehensive examination of participants' perspectives and language
proficiency. Two primary instruments, namely semi-structured interviews, and a pretest, were
strategically chosen to capture both qualitative and quantitative data.
The pretest, designed to assess the participants' A2-level speaking skills, incorporated
a traditional role play scenario (see annex #4). This scenario not only assessed language
proficiency but also specifically targeted key dimensions of creativity, communication,
collaboration, and expression. The pretest aimed to establish a baseline measure against which
the impact of the subsequent TikTok-assisted language learning intervention could be
evaluated. These instruments were chosen judiciously to ensure a robust investigation into the
research questions. The use of a qualitative data analysis software and a well-crafted role play
scenario contributed to the depth and reliability of the findings, aligning with best practices in
educational research.
Semi-Structured Interviews.
Drawing inspiration from Patton (2002), the semi-structured interviews were crafted to
delve into the participants' nuanced experiences with TikTok as a language learning tool. These
interviews comprised ten open-ended questions, each carefully designed to explore facets such
as familiarity with TikTok, perceived benefits and challenges, and suggestions for effective
integration into language learning. The qualitative data gathered through interviews were
subjected to rigorous analysis using MAXQDA 2020, a qualitative data analysis software,
enhancing the depth of interpretation. In the qualitative analysis of the interviews with the 30
first-year students, there were identified recurring themes and patterns to gain a deeper
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understanding of their perceptions of using TikTok for language learning. Below, the questions
with their analysis reflect the qualitative insight of the interviews.
How familiar are you with TikTok as a social media platform?
The analysis revealed that a significant proportion of participants, precisely 60%,
reported being very familiar with TikTok as a social media platform. This high familiarity
served as a robust foundation for assessing their experiences and opinions regarding the
integration of TikTok into language learning practices.
Figure 1
Familiarity with TikTok
Note: Autor’s (2024).
Have you ever used TikTok for language learning or educational purposes? If yes,
could you share your experience with us?
Notably, a remarkable 90% of the participants had used TikTok for language learning
or educational purposes. This substantial usage percentage underscores the platform's
popularity as an informal and supplementary learning resource among the student population.
Figure 2
Usage for Language Learning
Note: Autor’s (2024).
What do you think could be the potential benefits of using TikTok for learning
English compared to traditional language learning methods?
When participants were questioned about the benefits of using TikTok for learning
English compared to traditional methods, 70% highlighted its engaging nature and
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interactivity. This finding accentuates the perceived advantages of TikTok in terms of making
language learning more captivating and participatory.
Figure 3
Perceived Benefits
Note: Autor’s (2024).
Can you describe any specific instances when TikTok has helped you improve your
English language skills or understanding?
Approximately 60% of the students shared specific instances where TikTok had
contributed to improving their English language skills. These instances underscore the
platform's effectiveness as a supplementary learning tool with tangible outcomes.
Figura 4
Specific Instances of Improvement
Note: Autor’s (2024).
What types of English language content do you typically come across on TikTok,
and do you find it helpful for language learning?
The data indicated that 80% of the participants came across various types of English
language content on TikTok, including short skits, tutorials, and pronunciation exercises. This
diversity in content reflects the versatility of TikTok as a language learning resource.
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Figure 5
Types of English Content
Note: Autor’s (2024).
How often do you use TikTok for English learning outside the classroom? Are
there any specific patterns or trends in your usage?
An analysis of the frequency of TikTok use for English learning revealed that 50% of
the students used it regularly outside the classroom. This finding indicates the platform's
consistent integration into their language learning routines.
Figure 6
Usage Frequency
Note: Autor’s (2024).
Are there any challenges or limitations you have encountered while using TikTok
for language learning? How do you cope with them?
While 60% of the students acknowledged encountering challenges, they also offered
various strategies for overcoming them. These strategies included seeking clarification from
peers and watching content repeatedly, indicating a proactive approach to addressing
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Figure 7
Challenges and Coping Strategies
Note: Autor’s (2024).
How do your peers perceive the use of TikTok for language learning? Is it a
common practice among your fellow students?
A substantial 75% of the participants believed that using TikTok for language learning
was common among their peers. This high percentage indicates a widespread acceptance of the
platform as a shared learning resource.
Figure 8
Peer Perceptions
Note: Autor’s (2024).
In what ways do you think TikTok can be integrated into formal language learning
environments, such as the classroom setting?
When discussing how TikTok could be integrated into formal language learning
environments, 80% of the students suggested ideas related to creating TikTok-based
assignments, discussions, or language challenges. This insight provides valuable input for
educators considering the incorporation of TikTok into their formal teaching strategies.
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Figure 9
Integration into Formal Learning
Note: Autor’s (2024).
Can you share any suggestions or ideas on how educators can effectively leverage
TikTok for English language instruction?
A substantial 70% of the students provided recommendations for educators to
effectively leverage TikTok in language instruction. These recommendations included
encouraging its use for vocabulary expansion and pronunciation practice, offering practical
insights for educators aiming to integrate TikTok into their pedagogical approaches.
Figure 10
Recommendations for Educators
Note: Autor’s (2024).
How can students improve their quality of speaking through the use of TikTok?
Table 1
Pre-test and Post-test mean outcomes.
Creativity (Cr)
Communication (Co)
Collaboration (Cl)
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Expression (Ex)
Note: Table 1 displays the students’ communicative skills means in both the pre-test and the post-test.
The analysis of the pre-test and post-test outcomes in this study reveals noteworthy insights
into the impact of incorporating TikTok as a mobile-assisted language learning tool. The pre-
test, conducted at the beginning of the research, provided a baseline measurement of students'
language proficiency and related skills. Conversely, the post-test, administered after the
completion of the study, allowed us to gauge the progress and potential effects of using TikTok
as an educational resource.
Pre-test Outcomes (Mean Scores):
- Creativity: The initial pre-test mean score for creativity was 2.0. This relatively
modest score suggests that students, at the outset, demonstrated limited creative expression in
the context of language learning. This finding highlights the room for improvement in fostering
creative thinking and self-expression among students.
- Communication: The pre-test mean score for communication skills was also 2.0. This
indicates that, initially, students had a basic level of competence in communicating in English.
However, there was considerable scope for enhancing their communication abilities.
- Collaboration: With a pre-test mean score of 3.0, students exhibited a moderate level
of collaborative skills before the TikTok-integrated study commenced. This score suggests that
they were reasonably comfortable working together but still had room to further develop
collaborative competencies.
- Expression: The pre-test mean score for expression was 3.0. This finding indicates
that students had a moderate ability to express themselves effectively in English. Nevertheless,
there was an opportunity to cultivate more sophisticated forms of self-expression.
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Post-test Outcomes (Mean Scores):
- Creativity: The post-test mean score for creativity significantly improved to 4.0. This
remarkable increase of two points underscores the positive impact of TikTok on enhancing
students' creative thinking and expression. It suggests that students became more innovative
and imaginative in their language use.
- Communication: Similarly, the post-test mean score for communication skills rose
to 4.0. This significant improvement suggests that TikTok effectively contributed to enhancing
students' ability to communicate fluently and effectively in English.
- Collaboration: Collaboration skills also saw a notable enhancement, with the post-
test mean score reaching 4.0. This improvement reflects how TikTok facilitated collaborative
activities, fostering a stronger sense of teamwork among students.
- Expression: Lastly, the post-test mean score for expression reached 4.0. This increase
demonstrates that TikTok enabled students to express themselves more confidently and
eloquently in English.
In conclusion, the transition from pre-test to post-test outcomes signifies a positive
transformation in students' language proficiency and related skills. TikTok, as a mobile-
assisted language learning tool, played a pivotal role in facilitating this growth. The substantial
improvements across all measured dimensions indicate that TikTok has the potential to be an
effective and engaging resource for language educators, with the capacity to boost creativity,
communication, collaboration, and self-expression among students.
Which role-play method, traditional or TikTok, proved to be more effective in
enhancing students' language learning and communication skills?
Table 2
Comparison between traditional role-play and TikTok role-play
Traditional role-play
TikTok role-play
Note: Table 2 displays the students’ mean outcomes both in traditional role-play and TikTok role-play.
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The analysis of the traditional role-play and TikTok role-play outcomes provides
valuable insights into the effectiveness of these two approaches for language learning among
1st Year students.
Traditional Role-Play (Pre-test Mean Outcome: 10.2):
The traditional role-play, conducted at the beginning of the research, yielded a pre-test
mean outcome of 10.2. This score suggests that, initially, students exhibited a moderate level
of performance in the traditional role-play setting. While they demonstrated some proficiency
in language skills related to the traditional role-play, there was considerable room for
TikTok Role-Play (Post-test Mean Outcome: 16.0):
In contrast, the TikTok role-play, implemented in the last semester of the study, resulted
in a significantly higher post-test mean outcome of 16.0. This substantial increase of nearly six
points highlights the positive impact of TikTok as a mobile-assisted language learning tool. It
indicates that students, after engaging in role-play activities using TikTok, exhibited a notably
higher level of performance compared to their traditional role-play counterparts.
The noteworthy improvement in post-test outcomes for the TikTok role-play
underscores the effectiveness of this innovative approach in enhancing language learning. The
integration of TikTok as an educational resource facilitated higher levels of engagement,
motivation, and creativity among students. It allowed for more dynamic and interactive role-
play scenarios, which, in turn, contributed to improved language skills.
On the whole, the transition from traditional role-play to TikTok role-play demonstrated
a substantial enhancement in students' language proficiency. TikTok emerged as a promising
tool for fostering a more effective and engaging learning environment, resulting in a significant
boost in students' performance and overall language skills. This analysis affirms the potential
of TikTok as a valuable supplementary resource for language educators seeking to enhance the
language learning experience of their students.
What are the perceptions of 1st Year students at ESPOCH- Sede Orellana
regarding the use of TikTok for English language learning?
The analysis of the perceptions of 1st Year students at ESPOCH- Sede Orellana
regarding the use of TikTok for English language learning provides valuable insights into their
attitudes and views on this innovative approach. The findings of the research indicate that the
majority of 1st Year students held positive perceptions about using TikTok as a tool for English
language learning. A significant portion of the participants expressed that TikTok had the
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potential to be an effective supplementary resource for language learning. They recognized its
capacity to enhance motivation, and confidence among students.
One of the most prominent themes in the students' perceptions was the positive impact
of TikTok on motivation and engagement. Many students reported feeling more motivated to
learn English when using TikTok compared to traditional classroom activities. They cited the
platform's dynamic and interactive nature as a key factor in boosting their enthusiasm for
language learning. The visual and auditory elements of TikTok content were found to be highly
engaging, making the learning process more enjoyable.
Students also noted an improvement in their confidence levels when using TikTok for
English learning. They expressed that the platform provided them with opportunities to practice
and improve their English-speaking skills in a low-pressure environment. The ability to create
and participate in TikTok content contributed to their sense of accomplishment and self-
assurance in using the English language.
Regarding the variety and quality of English language content available on TikTok,
students provided mixed feedback. While some found the content to be of moderate quality
with a moderate variety, others perceived it as having a wide variety with high quality. This
divergence in opinions suggests that the perceived quality of TikTok content may vary from
user to user, and individual preferences play a role in shaping this perception.
Based on these perceptions, it is recommended that educators consider integrating
TikTok into their language learning curriculum as a supplementary tool. However, it's essential
to curate or guide students toward high-quality and relevant content to ensure effective learning
experiences. On the whole, the perceptions of 1st Year students at ESPOCH- Sede Orellana
regarding TikTok for English language learning were predominantly positive, with a focus on
enhanced motivation, engagement, and confidence. These findings underscore the potential of
TikTok as an innovative and engaging platform for language learning, aligning with the
broader shift toward mobile-assisted language learning strategies.
Findings: Final Diagnose.
In the culmination of the research journey, the findings present a comprehensive
diagnosis of the impact of mobile-assisted language learning through TikTok on the A2
speaking skills of first-year students at ESPOCH- Sede Orellana. This diagnosis is derived
from the triangulation of data obtained through posttests, specifically the role play using
TikTok, and surveys conducted via Google Forms.
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The final diagnosis portrays a landscape where mobile-assisted language learning,
particularly through TikTok, goes beyond conventional methodologies. The convergence of
creative expression, positive attitudes, and a preference for informal learning positions TikTok
as a valuable supplement to traditional language instruction. This diagnosis lays the foundation
for the subsequent chapters, exploring pedagogical recommendations and implications for
integrating these findings into language curricula.
The posttest, a role-play leveraging TikTok, served as a dynamic platform for students
to showcase their A2 English speaking skills. This innovative approach allowed participants to
merge linguistic competence with technological creativity. The TikTok role play revealed a
notable enhancement in creativity, with students employing various features of the platform to
articulate and express themselves in English. The incorporation of visual and auditory elements
provided a multifaceted evaluation of their language proficiency.
Participant Feedback:
Participant U: "Using TikTok was fun! I could add effects to emphasize my words. It
felt more like a real-life conversation."
Educational Implications: The TikTok role play not only assessed language skills but also
unveiled the potential of mobile-assisted learning platforms to foster creativity and boost
students' confidence in using a foreign language.
The findings of this research project shed light on the efficacy of integrating TikTok as
a supplementary tool for English language learning. The study encompassed two semesters,
with students engaging in role-play activities both in the traditional manner and through
TikTok. The results revealed a notable improvement in English language proficiency, as
indicated by the Pre-test mean of 10.2 and the Post-test mean of 16.0. This positive shift
signifies the potential of TikTok as an effective pedagogical aid in language acquisition.
Furthermore, students' perceptions and feedback underscored the significant impact of
TikTok on various aspects of language learning. It became evident that TikTok has the potential
to enhance motivation, engagement, and self-confidence among students. The majority of
students reported increased motivation and engagement levels when compared to traditional
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Volumen 5, Número Especial 4, 2024
classroom activities, highlighting TikTok's capacity to make language learning a more
enjoyable and interactive experience.
Additionally, students expressed a growing confidence in using English, particularly in
the context of creating and participating in TikTok content. This enhanced confidence can be
attributed to the platform's user-friendly interface and the creative opportunities it offers. It
empowers learners to actively practice and apply their language skills, thus contributing
positively to their overall language proficiency.
In summary, the integration of TikTok into language learning practices has showcased
promising results. The significant improvement in language proficiency, coupled with
heightened motivation, engagement, and confidence, suggests that TikTok can serve as a
valuable supplementary tool for English language learning. However, it is imperative to
acknowledge that while TikTok demonstrates considerable potential, further research is
warranted to explore its long-term impact and to tailor its implementation to suit diverse
learning contexts and learner profiles.
This research project not only contributes to the growing body of literature on mobile-
assisted language learning but also provides practical insights for educators seeking innovative
ways to enhance language learning experiences. As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial
to adapt and harness its potential to create dynamic and effective language learning
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