Código Científico Revista de Investigación/ V.5/ N. E4/ www.revistacodigocientifico.itslosandes.net
ISSN: 2806-5697
Vol. 5 – Núm. E4 / 2024
pág. 235
Digital educational resources: Impact on communication skills of high
school students in Quito, Ecuador.
Recursos educativos digitales: Impacto en las competencias comunicativas
de los estudiantes secundarios de Quito, Ecuador.
Recursos educativos digitais: impacto nas competências de comunicação
dos alunos do ensino secundário em Quito, Equador.
Cruz Báez, Estefania Rocio 1
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Cruz Báez, Cintia Carolina 2
Investigador independiente
Ñato Gualotuña, Leonela Nicole 3
Investigador independiente
Vilatuña Catagña, Carol Yulled 4
Investigador independiente
DOI / URL: https://doi.org/10.55813/gaea/ccri/v5/nE4/492
Como citar:
Cruz Báez, E. R., Cruz Báez, C. C., Ñato Gualotuña, L. N., & Vilatuña Catagña, C. Y. (2024).
Digital educational resources: Impact on communication skills of high school students in Quito,
Ecuador. Código Científico Revista De Investigación, 5(E4), 235–255.
Recibido: 14/08/2024 Aceptado: 10/09/2024 Publicado: 30/09/2024
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Research Article
Volumen 5, Número Especial 4, 2024
This study analyzes the impact of digital educational resources (DER) on the development of
oral and written comprehension and expression skills in high school students in the
Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador. A quasi-experimental research with a mixed approach
was carried out in two educational institutions, in which an experimental group used these
digital tools, while a control group continued with traditional methods. The results of the
statistical analysis revealed a significant positive effect on the communication skills of the
group that used the digital resources, compared to the control group. These findings,
contextualized with previous studies, suggest that the appropriate integration of technology in
the classroom can considerably improve educational quality. However, effectiveness may vary
depending on individual and contextual factors, highlighting the importance of personalized
approaches. In conclusion, the study provides empirical evidence on the value of educational
technology in secondary education and suggests the need for further research on its
implementation to optimize its impact on learning.
Keywords: Digital educational resources, skills, education
Este estudio analiza el impacto de los recursos educativos digitales (DER) en el desarrollo de
las destrezas de comprensión y expresión oral y escrita en estudiantes de preparatoria en el
Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, Ecuador. Se llevó a cabo una investigación cuasi-experimental
con un enfoque mixto en dos instituciones educativas, en la cual un grupo experimental utilizó
estas herramientas digitales, mientras que un grupo control continuó con métodos tradicionales.
Los resultados del análisis estadístico revelaron un efecto positivo significativo en las
habilidades comunicativas del grupo que empleó los recursos digitales, en comparación con el
grupo control. Estos hallazgos, contextualizados con estudios previos, sugieren que la
integración adecuada de la tecnología en el aula puede mejorar considerablemente la calidad
educativa. No obstante, la efectividad puede variar dependiendo de factores individuales y
contextuales, lo que destaca la importancia de enfoques personalizados. En conclusión, el
estudio proporciona evidencia empírica sobre el valor de la tecnología educativa en el ámbito
de la educación secundaria y sugiere la necesidad de continuar investigando su implementación
para optimizar su impacto en el aprendizaje.
Palabras clave: Recursos educativos digitales, destrezas, educación
Este estudo analisa o impacto dos recursos educativos digitais (DER) no desenvolvimento de
competências de compreensão e expressão oral e escrita em alunos do ensino secundário do
Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, Equador. Foi realizada uma investigação quase-experimental
com uma abordagem mista em duas instituições de ensino, em que um grupo experimental
utilizou estas ferramentas digitais, enquanto um grupo de controlo continuou com os métodos
tradicionais. Os resultados da análise estatística revelaram um efeito positivo significativo nas
competências de comunicação do grupo que utilizou os recursos digitais, em comparação com
o grupo de controlo. Estes resultados, contextualizados com estudos anteriores, sugerem que a
integração adequada da tecnologia na sala de aula pode melhorar consideravelmente a
qualidade da educação. No entanto, a eficácia pode variar em função de factores individuais e
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contextuais, salientando a importância de abordagens personalizadas. Em conclusão, o estudo
fornece provas empíricas sobre o valor da tecnologia educativa em contextos de ensino
secundário e sugere a necessidade de mais investigação sobre a sua implementão para
otimizar o seu impacto na aprendizagem.
Palavras-chave: Recursos educativos digitais, competências, educação.
In the contemporary educational context, digital educational resources (DER) emerge
as fundamental tools to transform teaching and learning procedures, especially in the field of
oral and written comprehension and expression. Digitalization has caused a revolution in the
educational field, allowing the creation of more interactive and accessible learning
environments (UNESCO, 2014). This change is particularly relevant in preschool education,
where the first interactions with language are crucial for the cognitive and social development
of children (Vygotsky, 2020). In Ecuador, the Organic Law on Intercultural Education (2015)
underlines the importance of integrating information and communication technologies (ICT)
in educational processes, establishing a regulatory framework that promotes the use of DER to
improve educational quality.
The current state of research on the use of DER in preschool education shows promising
results in the development of language skills. Previous studies highlight that the integration of
digital technologies in the classroom can strengthen oral and written comprehension and
expression in students, by offering teaching materials that capture attention and motivate
learning (Real, 2019; Sánchez et al., 2022). These findings are consistent with Vygotsky's
constructivist theory, which emphasizes that learning is a social process that is enriched
through interaction with appropriate tools and resources (Vygotsky, 2020). In addition, recent
research conducted in Colombia (Ministry of National Education, 2021) reinforces the idea
that open digital educational resources (EDA) are essential to personalize and adjust learning
to the specific needs of students.
This research is conducted in two educational institutions in Quito, Ecuador: Unidad
Educativa Liceo Naval Quito and Unidad Educativa León Cooper. Unidad Educativa Liceo
Naval Quito, an institution with a long tradition in the comprehensive education of young
people, is characterized by its focus on experimental educational projects that integrate
technology as part of the teaching-learning process. In addition, Unidad Educativa León
Cooper, recognized for its commitment to quality and warm education, is in the process of
more significantly incorporating digital educational resources into its pedagogical practices.
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These two institutions provide an ideal setting to explore how the implementation of DER
influences the development of communication skills in high school students.
Despite progress, there is a significant gap in the effective implementation of DERs in
some educational institutions, which limits their potential to strengthen students'
communicative skills. Direct observation of activities in these institutions revealed that,
although ICTs are recognized as teaching-learning strategies, their use in classrooms does not
always translate into a significant impact on the development of high school students' language
skills. This study focuses on analyzing the influence of DERs on oral and written
comprehension and expression, a critical area that, according to González (2019) and Vernon
and Alvarado (2014), is imperative for the academic and social success of preschool-aged
The main objective of this study is to analyze how digital educational resources (DER)
influence the development of oral and written comprehension and expression skills in high
school students in Quito. It is hypothesized that DER has a positive and significant impact on
the development of these communication skills, improving both comprehension and expression
in students who use them, compared to those who follow traditional teaching methods. The
research seeks to demonstrate how the integration of these technologies in the classroom can
optimize learning and contribute to the comprehensive development of students in preschool
This study adopted a mixed approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative
methods to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the problem under investigation.
Numerical and qualitative data were collected and analyzed using statistical processes and
qualitative analysis techniques, to respond to the problem statement. This mixed approach
made it possible to reduce interpretative biases and provide a more complete perspective on
the impact of digital educational resources (DERs) on the development of oral and written
comprehension and expression skills in high school students (Hernández Sampieri, 2014).
The purpose of the research was applied, aimed at solve specific problems related to
improving communication skills in preschool students. The research focused on observing,
measuring, and experimenting with how DERs could improve these skills, providing relevant
empirical evidence that could be used by teachers in educational practice. The results obtained
have direct applications in curricular adaptation and the integration of educational
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technologies, to assist in the modernization and continuous improvement of the educational
system in Ecuador (Castro et al., 2023).
The scope of the study was correlational, allowing to determine the relationship or
degree of association between the DER as an independent variable and the strengthening of
oral and written comprehension and expression skills as a dependent variable. This type of
study was suitable to explore how the DER influenced the communication skills of students
and to provide evidence on the effectiveness of these digital tools in an educational
environment (Hernández Sampieri, 2014).
The research design was quasi-experimental since the independent variable (the DERs)
was manipulated to observe its effect on the dependent variable (communication skills). Two
private educational institutions were selected: the Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit and the
León Cooper Educational Unit. In this design, an experimental group used the DERs to
improve their communication skills, while the control group continued with traditional
teaching methods. Pretests and posttests were administered to both groups to assess changes in
students' communication skills throughout the 2023-2024 school year (Sampieri, 2014). The
data collected were analyzed using the Student T test to determine the effectiveness of the
DERs compared to traditional methods (Sánchez, 2015).
The research was conducted with a total population of 50 preschool students from the
two educational institutions mentioned above. The sample was intentional since the entire
population was included in the study, dividing it into an experimental group (Unidad Educativa
Liceo Naval Quito) and a control group (Unidad Educativa León Cooper). This methodological
decision eliminated the need for a sampling procedure, ensuring that all participants contributed
to the statistical analysis of the data.
To collect the information, observation techniques, and standardized tests were
implemented. The observation was carried out using the CODA model, which allowed the
evaluation of the quality of the DERs applied in the experimental group. This technique
provided an objective evaluation of the resources used, based on technological and pedagogical
criteria (Pampillón et al., 2012).
In the research, a thorough analysis was carried out of the results obtained by applying
a pretest and a posttest using the Comprehensive and Expressive Language Exploration Test
(ELCE). This analysis was carried out on a population of 50 students, divided equally between
two educational institutions: the Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit and the León Cooper
Educational Unit, with 25 students in each.
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The pretest was initially administered to assess the student's level of development in the
areas of oral and written comprehension and expression before any intervention. This first step
was crucial to establish a baseline that would allow identifying the initial state of students'
communication skills in both institutions.
Subsequently, a specific intervention was implemented in the experimental group,
which consisted of the use of digital educational resources designed to improve oral and written
comprehension and expression skills according to the high school curriculum. These activities
were carefully selected and applied to promote the development of students' linguistic skills.
Finally, a post-test was administered to both groups (experimental and control) to assess
the progress achieved after the intervention. The post-test allowed a comparison of the results
obtained with those of the pre-test, providing a clear view of the effectiveness of digital
educational resources in the development of communication skills.
This section presents the results obtained after applying the pre-test and post-test using
the Comprehensive and Expressive Language Exploration Test (ELCE) in a sample of 50
students from the educational institutions Liceo Naval Quito and León Cooper. The results are
analyzed to determine the impact of digital educational resources on the development of oral
and written comprehension and expression skills.
1.1 Pretest
A pretest was administered to students from the León Cooper Educational Unit and the
Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit. The purpose of this pretest was to assess the initial level
of oral and written comprehension and expression skills in both groups, thus establishing a
baseline that would allow for comparing subsequent results and determining the impact of the
Statistical analysis: Pretest
Table 3 specifies the statistical analysis carried out in this research, through the
comparison of different descriptive measures, seeking to identify patterns of performance,
dispersion, and symmetry in the scores obtained by the students of the institutions involved,
thus allowing a detailed interpretation of the results obtained before and after the intervention.
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Table 1
Pretest statistical analysis
Naval High School
Educational Unit Quito
Typical error
Standard deviation
Sample variance
Coefficient of asymmetry
Note: The average results (means) are similar between the two institutions, the Liceo Naval Quito
Educational Unit presents a greater dispersion in the scores, which is reflected in its greater standard
deviation and variance.
The negative skewness (asymmetry) and positive kurtosis in both institutions suggest
that the results tend to be concentrated in higher scores, with a greater presence of extreme
values. These analyses allow us to conclude that, although the average performance is similar,
the internal dynamics of variability and distribution of scores differ between the two
institutions, which could influence how the impact of educational interventions on each group
is interpreted.
This equality in the initial scores is fundamental for the validity of the experiment since
it ensures that any changes observed in the post-test results can be attributed to the intervention
with digital educational resources and not to initial differences between the groups.
The preliminary analysis reinforces the idea that the two selected groups were
comparable at the beginning of the research, allowing for a fair and balanced assessment of the
impact of digital educational resources on the development of student's communication skills.
Two-Sample F Test for Variances: Pretest
The F test of the variances of two samples, to check if the variances can be considered
equal or different. This test determines the variance of the pretest and posttest where it is
assumed that the variances are equal when the p value < critical value and Ho is not rejected.
Table 2 details the analysis of the two-sample F test for variances, which indicates that
there is no significant difference in the variances of the pretest scores between the students of
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the León Cooper Educational Unit and the Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit. Although the
variance is slightly higher in the León Cooper group, this difference is not statistically
significant, suggesting that the two groups are comparable in terms of score dispersion before
the intervention.
Table 2
Pretest - F-test statistics for two-sample variances
F for two-sample variances
Leon Cooper Educational
Degrees of freedom
P(F<=f) one tail
critical value for F(One-tailed)
Note: The analysis of the two-sample F test for variances indicates that there is no significant difference
in the variances of the pretest scores between the students of the León Cooper Educational Unit and the
Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit.
Although the variance is slightly higher in the Leon Cooper group, this difference is not
statistically significant, suggesting that the two groups are comparable in terms of score
dispersion before the intervention.
The value of 1.98 that F must exceed for there to be considered a significant difference
between the variances of the two groups. In this case, the calculated F value is 1.28, which is
less than the critical value of 1.98. Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) is not rejected.
1.2 Post test
Two private educational institutions were selected for this research: the Liceo Naval
Quito Educational Unit and the León Cooper Educational Unit. The first was designated as the
experimental group, where digital educational resources specifically designed to improve oral
and written comprehension and expression skills were implemented. The second, the León
Cooper Educational Unit, was assigned as the control group, continuing with traditional
teaching methods.
Analysis of pre-test results
The analysis focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of an educational intervention
implemented to improve the language skills of students in two educational institutions.
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Mean and standard deviation
Table 4 shows the results of the post-test in two educational institutions: León Cooper
Educational Unit and Liceo Naval Educational Unit, Quito.
Table 3
Post-test statistical analysis
Post Test
Leon Cooper Educational
Naval High School Educational
Unit Quito
Standard Dev.
Note: The results of the application of the post-test after the intervention are presented.Naval High
School Educational Unit, Quito.
The higher mean obtained by students from the Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit
(154.18) compared to the León Cooper Educational Unit (145.93) suggests that the specific
intervention with digital educational resources had a significant positive effect. This difference
in the means indicates that students who participated in the intervention not only improved
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their language skills, but they did so to a greater extent than those who did not have access to
the same resources.
The lower standard deviation at Unidad Educativa Liceo Naval Quito (9.47) suggests
that student scores were more concentrated around the mean, indicating a more uniform
response to the intervention program. This can be interpreted as a success of the program since
it not only improved average scores but also led to a greater number of students reaching similar
levels of competence. In contrast, the higher standard deviation at Unidad Educativa León
Cooper (12.43) indicates greater variability in results, suggesting that the lack of a similar
intervention led to less homogeneous development of skills among students.
Post-test - F-test statistics for two-sample variances
Table 4 presents the analysis of the results of the post-test using the F test statistics to
compare the variances of two samples, specifically between the León Cooper Educational Unit
and the Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit, providing crucial information on the homogeneity
of the variances and the difference in the group means.
Table 4
F-Test Statistics
Leon Cooper Educational
Naval High School
Educational Unit Quito
Pooled variance
Hypothetical difference of the means
Degrees of freedom
P(T<=t) one tail
Critical value of t (one-tailed)
P(T<=t) two tails
Critical value of t (two-tailed)
Note: The results of the application of the post-test after the intervention at the Naval High School
Educational Unit in Quito are presented.
The posttest mean is higher at the Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit, suggesting that
students in this group obtained better scores, possibly due to the specific educational
intervention with digital resources.
The variance is significantly higher in the León Cooper Educational Unit, indicating a
greater dispersion in student scores. This may suggest a less uniform response to educational
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activities compared to the Liceo Naval Quito group, where the specific intervention seems to
have reduced the dispersion of results, reflecting a more consistent impact among students.
The pooled variance (122,14) represents a weighted average of the variances of both
groups. This value is used to calculate the t statistic and is an indicator of the overall variability
within the two samples.
The negative t statistic indicates that the mean of the Liceo Naval Quito Educational
Unit is significantly higher than that of León Cooper.
The p-value for the two-tailed test is 0.011, which is lower than the common threshold
of 0.05. This indicates that there is a statistically significant difference between the means of
the two groups, supporting the hypothesis that the intervention at Liceo Naval Quito had a
positive effect.
The critical t values confirm that the difference observed in the means is significant in
both the one-tailed and two-tailed tests, reaffirming the effectiveness of the intervention.
Therefore, Ho is not rejected, and the two-sample t-test was used assuming equal variances.
1.3 Comparative analysis pretest and post-test
The comparative analysis between the pretest and posttest results aims to evaluate the
impact of the educational intervention with digital resources on students' oral and written
comprehension and expression skills. By comparing the data obtained before and after the
intervention, we seek to identify significant improvements in student performance, as well as
changes in the variability of scores. This comparative analysis is crucial to determine the
effectiveness of the digital educational resources implemented and to validate the hypotheses
proposed in the research.
Student's T-test
To analyze the data from the pretest and posttest t-test, the Gaussian bell curve or
normal distribution was used since it is essential in the interpretation of statistical results and
provides a visual representation of how the data is distributed concerning the mean (Sánchez,
For decision-making in the Student t-test, it is assumed that:
If t value < critical value 0.05: the null hypothesis is not rejected, the alternative is
If the t value > critical value 0.05: the null hypothesis is rejected, the alternative is
Rule of rejection and acceptance
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Graph 1 shows the Gaussian bell curve of the pretest, which shows that from the critical
points (-2.010; 2.010) the rejection zone is located when the value of t is less than -2.010 or
greater than 2.010, and the acceptance zone when the calculated value of t is between -2.010
and 2.010.
Figure 1
t-test in the pretest Gaussian Bell
Note: Acceptance and rejection zones are specified
Tc= t obtained value (0.135) < critical value (2.010).
The graph of the result of the t-statistical test (0.135) is located within the acceptance
zone of the Gaussian bell curve. This implies that, when obtaining a t value less than the critical
value, it falls within the acceptance zone and the null hypothesis is not rejected, which leads to
the conclusion that the means are not significantly different.
Figure 2
t-test in the Gaussian Bell post-test
Note: Acceptance and rejection zones are specified
tc= t obtained value (-2.64) < critical value (-2.010).
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Figure 2 shows that the result of the t-statistical test obtained is (-2.64), which falls
within the rejection zone in the Gaussian bell curve. This implies that the t value is less than
the critical value. When it falls within the rejection zone, the null hypothesis must be rejected
and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, therefore, there is sufficient statistical evidence to
conclude that the observed effect is significant.
When comparing the results of the post-test of the control group (León Cooper
Educational Unit) and the experimental group (Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit), a
statistically significant difference is evident in the experimental group. For this reason, the
alternative hypothesis is accepted, which states that digital educational resources influence the
development of skills in the area of oral and written comprehension and expression of high
school students.
Calculating Effect Size (Cohen's d)
Effect Size (Cohen's d) is a statistical measure that quantifies the magnitude of the
difference between two groups or conditions in a study (Cohen, 1988).
1. Effect Size for Pretest:
Cohen's d: 0.038
2. Effect Size for Post-Test:
Cohen's d: -0.747
Pretest: Cohen's d value is 0.038, indicating a very small effect size. This reinforces the
earlier conclusion that there was no significant difference between the pretest scores of the two
institutions, and any observed differences are minimal.
Posttest: Cohen's d is -0.747, suggesting a moderate to large effect size in the difference
between the posttest scores. A negative Cohen's d simply indicates that the mean of the group
at the Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit is higher than that of the León Cooper Educational
Unit group. This reinforces the conclusion that the intervention was more effective at one of
the institutions.
The effect size tells us that, although students started at similar skill levels (pretest),
there was a considerable change in the posttest, especially at the Liceo Naval Quito Educational
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Unit, where students improved significantly more than their peers at the León Cooper
Educational Unit.
Correlation Analysis
Correlation Analysis is a statistical technique used to evaluate the strength and direction
of the linear relationship between two quantitative variables (Rodgers, 1988).
1. León Cooper Educational Unit:
Correlation Coefficient (r): 0.934
p-value: 8.78e-12
2. Quito Naval High School Educational Unit:
Correlation Coefficient (r): 0.872
p-value: 1.39e-08
Correlation Coefficient (r): The correlation coefficient (r) measures the strength and
direction of the linear relationship between pretest and posttest scores.
An r value close to 1 indicates a strong positive correlation, meaning that students who
scored high on the pretest tended to score high on the post-test, and vice versa.
The p-value is extremely small in both cases, indicating that the observed correlation is
statistically significant. That is, the probability of this correlation occurring by chance is very
At both institutions, there is a strong positive correlation between pretest and posttest
scores. This suggests that posttest scores are highly correlated with pretest scores, which could
reflect consistency in student performance over time or the effectiveness of the intervention in
improving the skills of those who were already performing at a higher level.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
ANOVA result:
F-statistic: 1.99
p-value: 0.162
F statistic: Used to determine whether there are significant differences between group
means. A higher F value suggests a greater difference between the means of the groups being
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The P-value of 0.162 is greater than the common significance threshold (0.05). This
indicates that there is no statistically significant difference between the combined means of the
pretest and posttest scores of the two institutions.
Although there may be some differences in individual scores between institutions, when
pretest and posttest scores are combined, the differences are not large enough to be considered
statistically significant.
The analysis of variance suggests that, when the pretest and posttest scores are
considered together, there are no significant differences in the overall performance between the
students of the León Cooper Educational Unit and the Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit.
Box and Whisker Plots
Figure 3 allows the distribution of a data set to be visualized. These graphs provide
information about the median, quartiles, outliers, and symmetry of the distribution (Tukey,
Figure 3
Box and Whisker Plots
Note: Comparative analysis of pretest and posttest
At the León Cooper Educational Unit, the boxplots show that the median of the pretest
scores is around 145, with a distribution of results that varies between 120 and 160, and some
outliers below 110. After the intervention, in the posttest, the median increases slightly, and
the distribution of scores becomes more concentrated, although outliers below 120 persist.
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For its part, at the Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit, the pre-test median is close to
140, with a dispersion of scores that ranges between 110 and 160, highlighting a very low
atypical value of around 100. After the intervention, the post-test median rises significantly to
around 155, and the distribution narrows, suggesting greater uniformity in the scores, although
some atypical values below 130 are still observed.
1.4 CODA Assessment
For the selection of digital educational resources, the CODA evaluation was applied, to
know which DERs meet the technological standards and pedagogical effectiveness necessary
to achieve the desired learning results, thus ensuring both quality and relevance for the
educational context.
Table 5
CODA Assessment-Version 1 Likert Scale
Very good
ABC tree
Long live reading
Smile and learn
Note: The results are presented considering first those who obtained the highest score.
The resources were classified into four categories based on the score obtained: Not
acceptable (20-29), Acceptable (30-39), Good (40-49), and Very good (50).
Resources Rated "Very Good": None.
Resources rated as "Good": Arbol ABC, Genially, Youtube Edu, Viva leer,
Educaenvivo, Wordwall, Cokitos, Edpuzzle, and Kahoot. This indicates that these resources
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meet good technological and pedagogical standards, being recommended for implementation
in the educational context.
Resources rated as “Acceptable”: Educaplay, Cristic, Duolingo, Smileandlern, and
Mobbyt. These resources are of quality, meeting the standards necessary to be effective in the
educational context, although they may have some areas for improvement.
Resources Rated as "Not Acceptable": Quizlet (26.75) and Pipoclub (26.16) According
to the evaluation, these resources do not meet the minimum standards to be considered in the
educational process, they present significant limitations in their pedagogical and technological
effectiveness that could affect their use in the classroom.
According to these results, 9 of the 16 digital educational resources not only meet the
required technological standards but are also aligned with pedagogical needs, which maximizes
their positive impact on the educational process.
The results obtained in this study provide solid evidence of the positive impact of digital
educational resources (DER) on the development of communication skills in high school
students. These findings align with the growing international evidence that highlights the
effectiveness of digital technologies in education, particularly in improving language skills
(Sánchez et al. 2022; Real 2019). However, it is essential to critically assess these results,
considering both their scope and limitations, as well as their interpretation in light of previous
studies and the hypotheses raised in this research.
Statistical analysis reveals that the DER-based educational intervention had a
significant impact on improving oral and written comprehension and expression skills in
students in the experimental group. This result is confirmed by the Student t-test, where the
calculated t value falls within the rejection zone, indicating that there is a statistically
significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores in the group that used DER. This
observation suggests that the integration of digital technologies in the educational process can
offer a substantial improvement in communicative skills, in line with what was proposed by
Vygotsky (2020), who argues that learning is a social process enriched by interaction with
appropriate tools.
The improvement in communication skills observed in the experimental group can be
attributed to the ability of DERs to offer interactive and personalized materials that capture
students' attention and encourage their active participation in the learning process (Ministerio
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de Educación Nacional 2021). These resources allow for more meaningful learning, where
students not only receive information but also interact with it, which reinforces their
understanding and ability to express themselves. This finding is consistent with previous
studies that highlight the effectiveness of DERs in early childhood education (González 2019;
Vernon and Alvarado 2014), and reinforces the hypothesis that DERs have a positive impact
on the development of language skills.
Despite the positive results, it is necessary to acknowledge some limitations that might
have influenced the findings. First, the quasi-experimental design used in this study, although
appropriate for the conditions of the research, may limit the ability to generalize the results to
other educational contexts. The selection of the two educational institutions in Quito, while
providing a controlled environment for the intervention, might not represent the diversity of
school contexts in Ecuador or other countries with different socioeconomic and cultural
Furthermore, although the intervention was effective in improving communication
skills in the experimental group, the variability in post-test scores suggests that not all students
benefited uniformly from DERs. This could be related to individual differences in familiarity
with digital technologies, personal motivation, or even the home environment, factors that were
not controlled in this study but could have a significant impact on the results. Such variability
highlights the importance of considering a more personalized approach in the implementation
of DERs, adapting educational strategies to the specific needs of each student (Hernández
Sampieri 2014).
Another critical aspect to consider is the assessment of the quality of the DERs used in
the intervention. Although a CODA assessment was applied to select the resources, some of
them received ratings that placed them only as "good" or "acceptable". The effectiveness of the
intervention could have been limited by the quality of these resources, suggesting that a more
rigorous selection based on stricter pedagogical and technological standards could further
improve the results.
The findings of this study have important implications for educational practice,
especially in preschool and primary education. Evidence suggests that DERs can be powerful
tools for improving communication skills, provided they are implemented appropriately and
accompanied by teacher training that enables educators to maximize their potential. This
implies not only an investment in technologies but also the ongoing professional development
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of teachers to ensure that they can effectively integrate these resources into their pedagogical
practices (Castro et al. 2023).
In terms of future research, it is necessary to expand the study to include a more diverse
and representative sample, which would allow the findings to be validated in different
educational contexts. In addition, additional research could further explore the factors that
moderate the impact of DERs, such as student motivation, family support, and the
technological infrastructure available in educational institutions. It would also be valuable to
investigate the long-term impact of DER use on the development of communication skills, to
determine whether the observed benefits are maintained and translate into broader academic
and social improvements.
It is suggested that the relationship between the quality of DERs and educational
outcomes be investigated in more detail. The classification of resources based on the CODA
assessment provides a first approximation, but future studies could develop more sophisticated
assessment frameworks that consider not only technological and pedagogical aspects but also
their ability to adapt to the changing needs of students and their alignment with curricular
Although this study demonstrates the significant potential of DERs to improve
communication skills in high school students, further research and refinement of both resources
and implementation strategies are essential to maximize their impact in the current educational
This research has allowed us to explore in depth the impact of digital educational
resources (DER) on the development of communication skills in high school students,
demonstrating that the integration of these tools in the classroom can mean a significant
improvement in oral and written comprehension and expression. This study not only reinforces
the importance of technology in contemporary education but also offers concrete evidence of
its effectiveness in a specific context such as that of educational institutions in Quito.
One of the most relevant contributions of this research is the confirmation that DERs
can act as catalysts in the teaching-learning process, by offering interactive and adaptive
environments that facilitate the development of essential linguistic skills from an early age.
The students who participated in the intervention demonstrated significant improvements in
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Volumen 5, Número Especial 4, 2024
their communication skills, suggesting that the systematic and well-designed use of these
resources can substantially transform the educational experience.
Through a mixed methodological approach, this study has managed not only to quantify
the impact of DERs but also to understand the qualitative dynamics underlying this process.
The combination of quantitative and qualitative methods has allowed us to obtain a more
complete and nuanced view of how DERs influence students' communicative development,
offering valuable insights for future studies and pedagogical applications.
In terms of practical implications, the findings suggest that the implementation of DERs
in the educational curriculum should not be seen simply as a technological trend, but as a
pedagogical strategy with the potential to close learning gaps and improve educational quality
in varied contexts. Furthermore, the research suggests that to maximize the impact of DERs, it
is necessary to accompany their implementation with an adequate teacher training process and
with a technological infrastructure that guarantees equitable access to these tools.
Another fundamental aspect is the need to adapt digital educational resources to the
specific characteristics and needs of students. The variability observed in the post-intervention
results indicates that, although DERs are effective, their impact can be maximized when they
are adjusted to the particularities of the educational context and the individual characteristics
of students. This opens a path for future research aimed at developing more personalized
models of digital teaching.
Furthermore, this study contributes to the field of education by providing an
intervention model that can be replicated or adapted in other educational institutions, both
locally and internationally. The quasi-experimental approach used has proven effective in
evaluating the impact of pedagogical innovations in real-life settings, offering a
methodological framework that can be adopted in future research.
The research confirms that DERs are not simply support tools, but fundamental
components that can redefine how communication skills are developed in the early years of
schooling. Having achieved the stated objectives, which included demonstrating the positive
impact of DERs and generating empirical evidence on their effectiveness, this study is
positioned as a significant contribution to the field of education, providing solid foundations
for the implementation of educational policies that effectively integrate digital technologies
into teaching-learning processes.
This study not only demonstrates the effectiveness of DERs in developing
communication skills but also underlines the importance of their strategic and adaptive
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Volumen 5, Número Especial 4, 2024
integration into the educational system. The research opens new perspectives for the use of
technology in education, offering a clear path for future research and practical applications that
seek to improve educational quality and equity through digitalization.
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